The sitting/standing debate continues… and it was funny to see people complain that others were standing and dancing!
The show was a good one, from start to finish – with only a few low spots for me.
Rink has closed in on Grace as my favourite opener.
I’ve always enjoyed hearing MMAW but tonight it just didn’t do it for me.
Grace never disappoints.
The twang of Rob’s guitar brought people to their feet as he kicked into Boots, even though he messed it up.
Family Band. All you have to do is stand!
ABAC. T”his one’s for the girls. And the boys who think like girls.”
The 1, 2, 3, 4 fingers couting with the phone rings were noticeably absent tonight. It’s a bit cheesy, but speaks to the catchy nature of the song.
Nautical before Bobcaygeon??? What the heck is this about?
As the final notes of Bobcaygeon rang out, Sinclair played the intro riff to Nautical. Must be out of habit.
WC = World Container for me. Water Closet for many others as there was an exodus from the stands at this point.
Springtime In Vienna lacked bite tonight – unless of course you are one of the girls in the box directly over Paul who danced harder than I thought possible.
I think we’re going to hear Walking On The Moon as a cover tune soon. They played a lot of it during this epic version of Meridian. And Gord’s imitation of Peter “Man that dude’s guitar is talking” Frampton is worth the price of admission alone. He even cracked himself up a few times…
Even though the video for the song was shot Oshawa, Good Life didn’t do much for the flow of the evening.
Kids Don’t Get It gets better everytime I see it.
At the end of the arena, opposite to the stage, there is a large car dealership ad that reads, “The Best Wheels Around Since That Kid Named Orr.” I thought that Gord would work that in at some point, but it was not to be.
LTR is a sing-a-long song. But it seemed as though the crowd only half knew the words – and Gord changed the timing of his singing slightly a few times and really threw the crowd off.
Early in its life, Yer Not The Ocean showed signs of being a lifer – keeping its position in the live set. Lately it’s lustre has faded, and I fear that it may be dropped.
I don’t wanna help? New Orleans Is Sinking. Just a straight ahead version that brought the fans of the old Hip to their feet.
Fire had an increadible fury that seemed lost on many. Or perhaps they were scared still by the freight train charging towards them!
– I still have no idea what song they were covering, despite the fact I’ve been told it was “Hang On To Yourself†by David Bowie.
– Escape was perfect.
– Blow got the fans of the old Hip back on their feet, and told them the night was over.
Gord was much more appreciative of the crowd tonight than he was in Barrie. He even thanked most of us by name, pointing to people and saying a name… He closed the main set with, “You make this easy; thank you!”
The encore was closed with him blowing kisses to the crowd, wishing us a “Nightie, night!” and then he drove the microphone into the stage with a thud, and walked away.