Day Seven: I can’t believe it’s almost over

We’ve been here a week and it just keeps getting better. The show last night was awesome. It’s refreshing to be at a show where the fans are so into it! From the minute we arrived at the venue, more than an hour before the doors opened, until we left, we knew that this was going to be a hot show. They opened with Springtime and closed with an incredible version of Blow that included the crowd singing the first verse before Gord took over. The only downer of the night was during the closer (Blow) when some dork started to crowd surf and ended up on stage. Security and Billy Ray were immediately on him, so he took a lean towards the crowd and fell into them, landing awkwardly on a young woman. Gord nearly stopped the show at this point, wanting to ensure that she was OK. I’ve got a picture of the setlist, but my camera needs charging – I’ll post it later. For now, enjoy the goodness of these three pictures that Josh (The Heron Outside on took: