EuroHip 2007

The East Coast swing is complete and positive reviews have been streaming in. The Hip are now off to Europe for a series of shows:

09/21/07: London: The Astoria
09/23/07: Groningen: Oosterpoort
09/25/07: Amsterdam: Paradiso
09/26/07: Amsterdam: Paradiso
09/28/07: Brussels: Ancienne Belgique
09/30/07: Koln: Prime Club
10/01/07: Eindhoven: Effenaar

Along with half a dozen or so other fans from North America, I’ll be following The Hip around Europe and posting regular updates to The tapers will be out in force so look for another series of audio and DVD releases through The Hip Tracker in the coming months.

8 thoughts on “EuroHip 2007

  1. dear chris & friends, we met you on wednesdaynight 26th September
    2007 in Paradiso Amsterdam and you all were working very hard to get
    this fantastic awsome show on tape! you spend all your free time doing
    this and we do applaud you all. nice work and it is worthwhile. we have
    seen your website hipfansdotcom and it is great, so thx for all the efforts made and we will enjoy it. not so familiar with all your torrent-
    stuff but we will surely going to find out these mysteries!! have a nice
    trip in Europe and a save flight back. sebastian and antoine olbertz
    nijmegen the netherlands

  2. Hey Chris,

    Enjoy the trip to Europe. I’m sure you’ll have just as much if not more fun then last

    Take care and have a safe flight and safe travels in Europe.

  3. Hi there,

    I have tickets to the Amsterdam shows (1 each night) and can’t go. I’m willing to give them up for dirt cheap to anyone who wants them. Post here if you are interested.


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