WNED Buffalo Niagra Guitar Festival Presents…

WNED Buffalo Niagra Guitar Festival Presents

With Special Guests
The Sadies

Saturday June 17th, 2006 Artpark, Lewiston NY

Public Tickets On Sale: 04/18/2006 at Noon

Tier 1 (Seated): $45.50
Lawn (General Admission): $25.50

Tickets Available at: www.tickets.com, all Tops Supermarkets and at the venue box office.

TTH ‘First In Line’* Tickets On Sale: 04/11/2006, 12:00 PM EST
*’First in Line’ ticket purchases limited to Tier 1(Seated) tickets for this show.

This is an All Ages Show

WNED Buffalo Niagra Guitar Festival
www.guitarfestival.org, www.artpark.net
Click here for directions to the venue.

If you are a registered user of www.thehip.com you can access ‘First In Line’ pre-sale tickets for the WNED Buffalo Niagra Guitar Festival show starting at 12:00 PM EST on Tuesday April 11th, by visiting www.thehip.com and following the link provided.

Das Hip